My mother called me on Thursday to make sure I was going to make it to my father's sixtieth birthday party, although really it was more a small get-together than a party. It was interesting because when she called I was studying math, my husband was studying for school, my oldest daughter was studying her math, and the only one not studying was my two-year old because she's two, although I suppose exploring and tearing up her sister's room could be thought of as studying.
When I got off the phone I looked at my husband and said, wow, we're a bunch of nerds, aren't we. I said it with a smile, because I love being a nerd. I love it even more now that being a nerd has gotten to a whole lot more acceptable.
It happened again when we were headed to my father's party on Saturday, my husband and I began discussing the formula for figuring out how fast another car might be going depending on how many seconds it would take them to go one mile. Math is not my greatest skill, but he was very good with it when he was younger, and honestly does need the work refreshing his memory since he has started back in college. We didn't figure it out, although I worked on it diligently for a while at my parent's house and most of the way home, which is a two hour trip one way. He got frustrated because he was driving and was sure that if he sat down he'd figure it out in just a few minute. He probably would have if I hadn't told him I was going to start looking online for it.
I'm not sure if he realizes it, but discussions like that are good to have in front of our daughters. It teaches them that math may be useful outside of school one day, and can make for interesting discussions between two people. I think he still has it in his head that it's not entirely okay to be a nerd, but I've told many people that I am doing a fantastic job of raising an odd child who loves both sports and nerdy things like The Hobbit.
I know my oldest is going to be one of the weird kids, and I've repeatedly told her that's fantastic. There are many very successful people who were the weird kids. I was one of the weird kids and I turned out just fine.
At least, I think I did o_O
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