Think about it for a minute, how often do we view news stories that are actually relevant to us. Why the hell do I know who Kim Kardashian is, or any of the Kardashians for that matter. I've never watched their show, and don't have any desire to watch it. Yet, I know who they are, I know that Kim named her latest offspring Saint, I even had a discussion with one of my co-workers about this. It could be argued that I know this because of Kanye, but I don't even listen to the radio anymore, much less his music, hell, I didn't even know who he was until his MTV/Taylor Swift stunt and the Jay Leno interview that followed.
I have no desire to vote for Donald Trump, I can't stand looking at him and hearing his voice, but I know who he is and what his latest controversial comment is. I also know that I would loathe the idea of him being president but because so many people are zombies they are going to vote for him because he's the one who is getting thrust upon us by the media.
That seems to be how we decide what we are or are not going to do these days. Whatever the media (including social media) feeds us, we decide that is what is most important in our lives. The majority of the public isn't going to look at the pros and cons of what having a man like Donald Trump is going to do to us, they just know that he isn't going to do any worse than the other people who are in office right now supposedly not getting anything done. I say supposedly because they may very well be getting a lot done, it's impossible to know because the news and social media are too busy writing stories about the Kardashians and Trump and that's what we're reading, whether we like it or not.
I wish I could say that this is my declaration to step away from Facebook and Twitter, or even away from any form of technology, but I'm just not willing to do that.
And therefore I have to admit I too am a zombie, I don't like it, and I'm not suggesting anyone go off the grid in order to avoid being a zombie, I just kind of hope that somehow being aware of it will help me delve deeper and find out information that is significant and makes me a little less than a zombie.
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